Travel Books for 2018

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Who doesn’t like to dream about future travel plans?  There are so many resources available for travel planning.  Here are some that inspire me to keep discovering our world – read online with Audible or buy your copy.  These are my go to books.

#1  Lonely Travel’s Where to Go When

This is your go to guide for month to month ideas of where to go in the world.  Whether you are looking for family fun, festivals, the best weather or any type of adventure, you can flip through monthly and find your best options throughout the world.  It changed the way I viewed travel planning and it is my first choice.

#2  The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Aside from being an international best seller, this is a mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy, who follows his dream in search of  treasure.  He encounters himself along the way.  This short and powerful book inspires us to keep chasing our dreams.  My favorite part is the lessons that he learns along the way with his enchanting stories.  It inspired me to go and explore Southern Spain and I too had my own lessons to learn through my encounters there.

#3  100 Places That Can Change Your Child’s Life: From Your Backyard to the Ends of the Earth by Keith Bellows foreword by Natalie Morales

We love FAMILY travel.  It truly is special to see the world through your child’s eyes.  Here is a book made for the family.  This book helps you and the children find the most interesting places to explore.  Traveling should be about learning and exploring.  This has it all for those who want life changing vacations.



#4  Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World by Rita Golden Gelman

Before Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love, there was this amazing book.  I fell in love with her writing and travelled with her through all the adventures took.  We share a common passion – people – and this is what initially attracted me to this book.  She is truly a nomad, loves people, a natural explorer and loves learning.  As a lover of anthropology, this book called to me as it is another lesson in studying human cultures and it comes from a women’s perspective.  A must read for all those that want to be nomads of the world.


#5 Food Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 Extraordinary Places to Eat Around the Globe by National Geographic

Food lover?  Yes! Me too.  Here is a book that gives the best food journeys in the world.  The best part of traveling is the FOOD!  If you are ready to plan your travels based on the country’s culinary selection, check this book out.  It goes into detail about the different cuisine styles and their unique story.  I’m always inspired by their illustrations of historic food markets, champagne bars and all the food celebrations.

We all have different travel styles, choose to see the world through different eyes and love traveling to new countries.  Take the time to plan and give your eyes, palate and soul a new experience!  We love adding new books to our list.  Please share your favorite books with me!